The Association  Magazine


Welcome to the RAFPA website
The aim of the RAFPA is to provide a means for both pre- and post-war RAF Photographers to keep in touch with each other, to arrange annual reunions and social occasions and to offer help and advice to members where this is possible.

Who are we
In September 1999, some months after the disbandment of the original "wartime" Boy Entrant Photographers Association due to declining membership, some 30+ retired ex Boy Entrant Photographers from the post war era unanimously agreed the formation of a new association to continue the tradition of the earlier organisation. An elected committee under the Chairmanship of Mr Harry Cotterell (himself a pre-War B/E) drew up and agreed aims and rules of the new association to be known as the "Royal Air Force Boy Entrant Photographers Association"
At the 2008 AGM it was agreed to change the Association name to "The Royal Air Force Photographers Association".
Following much the same format as the earlier Associations, the new RAFPA continues to provide a means for both pre- and post-war members' to keep in touch with each other, to arrange annual reunions and social occasions and to offer help and advice to members where this is possible. The Association also publishes and issues to all members, a periodic magazine reflecting items of interest and the affairs of the Association.




This page was last updated on 26/03/2024 16:13
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